CCFCC:It has been several weeks since the last posting. As most of you know, public pressure has resulted in positive change on both the local and national levels. Public pressure has also forced the Coast Guard to scrap their plans for live-fire exersizes on Lake Superior as well as forced the local EDA to make changes regarding conflict-of-interest. Thanks to all who made your voices heard toward this great effort!!!
Here are a few reminders and current updates on the proposed Homeland Security Building, Border Security and County Development issues. Thank you for your continued concern. Stay tuned to this site for more information as it develops. SLDRADIO PROGRAMMING THIS WEEK:Tune in to WTIP Radio at 90.7 FM or 91.7 FM Gunflint Trail this week for two shows about current issues in Cook County.
Wednesday at 6pm right after the Community Calendar Show, is a call-in program regarding the 1% sales tax issue. In the studio with WTIP's News Reporter Barbara Jean Myers are Bill Hansen of the Cook County Economic Analysis Council, Howard Abrahamson of the Hospital Board and Commissioners Jim Johnson and Fritz Sobanja. Phone numbers for the call-in show are 387-1070 or 800-473-9847.
On Thursday evening from 6-7pm right after the Community Calendar Show, we will air the Upper Deck Forum held Thursday, January 11. The speaker was Matt Geretschlager, Director of the EDA and the topic was the Cedar Grove Business Center and Sawtooth Cottages. That's Wednesday and Thursday evening at 6:00 pm at 90.7 FM or 91.7 FM Gunflint Trail.
HOMELAND SECURITY UPDATES At the Upper Deck Forum last Thursday, EDA Director Matt Geretschlager stated that Homeland Security has not yet chosen the "top three" potential sites for their compound. However, Matt also told the crowd that one developer from Florida heard that HS was focusing on the state of Florida sites and that "MN is next." This is hearsay, but for an exact quote from Matt, tune in to the rebroadcast this Thursday, the 18th from 6-7pm on WTIP 90.7fm. Commissioner Jim Johnson has been very helpful and interested in the proposed Homeland Security project. Here are his most recent email responses regarding the Homeland Security Compound and Border Security:
November 24, 2006
Dear Staci, I have no new information to report about the location of the proposed Border Patrol Building. At the conference (in North Dakota) I asked about the tension that exists between security and wilderness along the BWCA-Quetico border. Glen Schroeder, who was up here for the forum last September, assured me that any surveillance would be "non-invasive" and "low impact". Representatives of tourism and commerce at the conference were quite concerned that any tightening of the border for security reasons would restrict the normal flow of people and trade; they were worried about damage that could be done to commerce and tourism if the border becomes too tight. Passports, birth certificates, driver's licenses and other documentation were discussed, but it doesn't look like anybody has agreed on a plan yet. I think local people and officials need to be kept informed and enlisted in the security process. We know when something doesn't seem right and will be able to report it sooner than any high-tech surveillance system will. I hope they will be better at including us in the process. Glen Schroeder did mention that the Boeing Company is involved in putting together the plan for border security in this sector (Pigeon River to Montana). He mentioned plans for up to 35 aircraft, as well as one Predator drone, which is a remote controlled aircraft. I wish I knew more about that. Thanks for your interest.
Jim Johnson
November 25After I e-mailed you yesterday I googled on Boeing Border Security and got all kinds of information. will give you one of them, but check around on google and lots of interesting stuff comes up.
November 30, 2006
Staci, There was no discussion of the money trail. As you know from reading the news reports on the Boeing deal, there were several other companies making proposals on the SBI (Secure Border Initiative) contract, but Boeing was only mentioned once as the contract winner. It wasn't until I got home and looked at the internet that I found out some of the details. As I understand it the Southern Border will take priority, and then plans will be implemented along the Northern Border if they work in the South. Glen Schroeder, the border patrol chief in Grand Forks, said that the details of the plan have not yet been worked out. Hopefully, his non-invasive, low impact statements refer to the wilderness areas, and towers and more intensive aircraft may be used along the 39th parallel in North Dakota and Montana. He mentioned that they had used dog-sleds in the past and increased patrol officer presence seems to also be part of the plan. I find myself speculating along with everyone else on this, and that's always a dangerous thing to do, so hopefully we will be kept informed as plans progress. I don't know what legislation this plan was tied to, but I did get the impression that it has already passed. It sounds like Boeing will do a section at a time (first in Arizona) and if it works, then they will be able to continue on to other sections and eventually to the Northern Border. I don't know anything about the EDA actions regarding Coleman and Oberstar, since that is a city function. I know they did a report comparing costs of the airport site vs. the EDA site, but wasn't aware who they sent it to. The airport commission has also submitted a proposal to the Border Patrol, but they have heard nothing back yet either. Thanks for your continued concern.
Jim Johnson
A date has been set next month (date and time will be forthcoming) for the first public hearing regading sale of EDA land on the hillside to Northern Communities Land Trust for an extensive housing development on the hillside. This development would effect portions of the Superior Hiking Trail, the Snowmobile Trail, the view of the hillside from Grand Marais and the Gunflint Trail Scenic Byway. In addition, the development of up to 30 homes and several businesses, including an excavation business, possibly a "plastics manufacturer" as well as the proposed 34,000 sq. ft. Homeland Security compound is plagued with a number of political, economic and environmental issues including water runoff and wetlands delineation. Tune in to the WTIP rebroadcast of the Upper Deck forum on this issue (Thursday 1/18, 6-7pm) for more details and stay tuned to CCFCC for more details. If you wish to weigh-in on this issue, please plan to attend the public forum and voice your concerns.Thanks, and keep up the good work!