Sunday, February 18, 2007

Still Speaking My Piece!

First of all, mea culpa to Pastor Bill Christ; but to those of you who have yet to take the pledge, read on.

The New Year is off to a decidedly weird start – Anna Nicole, astronauts in diapers, Bush in denial (OK, not new, but still weird), mummified corpses watching TV in Long Island (what was on?), Alberto Gonzales saying there is no habeas corpus, Britney bald, and so much more… thank God we in Grand Marais are free from all this insanity!

Last fall the local electorate chose the path of common sense and threw out Mark Sandbo and Bob Spry by a 2 to 1 margin in a referendum on the marina, cronyism, corruption, and stupidity. Then, in early January, with a new mayor and one new councilman seated, the remnant of the old guard promptly rewarded Sandbo and Spry with seats on the EDA and PUC. One would have thought those commissions would be held in higher esteem.

This was followed by a definite bow to the clear wishes of the November electorate when the entire council opted to rid the city of the sorry partnership Sandbo had crafted with the DNR. Emboldened, the council decided to take a wait and see approach to any final decision on the East Box Sidewalk Snatch. All this, of course, was followed by an immediate storming of city hall by self proclaimed leaders of the business community who decried the council’s return to wisdom under the leadership of Evelyn Larsen.

This week, returning to the East Box Bollix, after a clear opinion from the Attorney General, a unanimous council delivered a more reasonable, if overly generous, agreement on pretty much the original terms crafted by city attorney Don Davison.

What do we get from all this? Well, those very same business leaders formed a new business organization, evidently dedicated to peace and love, and hell bent on dragging us all collectively back to the good old days when our city was run by the few, for the few. Holy herring! Get over it!

And now, last week, this farcical fish cake of a rump commerce klatch, though baked in Grand Marais, got some pro bono frosting from Schroeder, and it was, without a doubt, worth every penny. One can only marvel at the level to which lawyering has slipped in the West End.



Anonymous said...

Oh, my gracious, True. If you don't watch out you will have toads and vipers falling from your mouth with every word you speak.
Let's have some civil manners, if you please.
Or did the devil make you do it?

david said...

due to the suspension of habeas corpus (thanks to the Military Commissions Act) there is no legal recourse for detainees of the United States. the lawyers for hospital administrator Adel Hamad, a detainee at Guantanamo, thus took the unprecedented step of releasing video testimony on YouTube to the court of public opinion.

You can see this compelling video at:

you can also add your name in support of habeas restoration and read a blog posting by Brandon Mayfield, the U.S. citizen wrongfully incarcerated for the Madrid bombings who is now challenging the constitutionality of the Patriot Act in district court