Monday, April 21, 2008

Real pet lovers spay and neuter

On behalf of the Animal Advocates, who selflessly provide foster homes as well as shots and spay-or-neuter to the endless litters of unwanted kittens and puppies they care for, I am just enraged by the boreal letters about the so-called wonderful cat owners who produce litter after litter of adorable and lovable kittens.

Hello, folks? All kittens are adorable and lovable. All companion animals bred for the pleasure of humans, if they are not mistreated, will love us dearly in exchange for a place to live and food to eat.

Trouble is, there are nowhere near enough homes for these little ones. Most of the rest of the USA recognizes the need to spay and neuter to reduce pet population growth and the inevitable killing of the unwanted and abandoned.

If you want a new pet, DON’T get it from people who are part of the problem because then you are just reinforcing needless death for generations to come. Most people now understand they shouldn’t buy puppies from puppy mills. Rescue organizations are better equipped to save them if they can be saved. And so it is with unwanted cat litters: if you MUST have kittens, give them to the Advocates who will make sure they don’t grow up to multiply the problem. Did you ever learn about “compound interest” in math class? That’s the concept that one and one makes more than two, more than even two hundred, when compounded over time.

If you continue to support these “free-to-good-homes” folks you are condemning hundreds of unwanted pets to horrible deaths. You are complicit in acts such as the horrific beating murder of a stray cat a couple of years ago in the RV Park because it was homeless and somebody didn’t like it killing birds in her back yard.

True takes in as many of the abandoned and lost as he can and faces a lot of grief from people, even friends, who think this is a waste of money. But there are so many more who die from starvation or predators or neglect. The same people who don’t want True to spend money on pets would be glad if he bought stuff he doesn’t need from their local businesses and wouldn’t actually complain if he patronized Wal Mart, that destroyer of local economies.

Please, support the Advocates and SPAY or NEUTER!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great great great post!

Thank you
