Thursday, January 17, 2008

I'm anonymous, who are you? Are you anonymous too?

Because we can, we once again plagiarize, and print this poem in today's News Herald. So, sue us:

Anonymous Poems (bold in headline type)

Anonymous poems
And the papers that print them
Speak volumes about
The people who write them

Though you did not attend, or
Stand or defend them
Your opinions you "Herald" regardless

Anonymous poets write
Anonymous poems about
Anonymous unfounded fears

Let go of the past because
Time moves so fast, and
You cannot go back to the '70's


John Gorski
Grand Marais

Like dear Emily, a great poet, we at True believe that Anonymous (Nobody) are the yeast that rises the creative spirit. Certainly not the bad, bad poetry of locals with agendas.

Consider Emily's really good poem:

I'm nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
Then there's a pair of us — don't tell!
They'd banish us, you know.

How dreary to be somebody!
How public, like a frog
To tell your name the livelong day
To an admiring bog!

We love being nobody, aka Anonymous. We celebrate our freedom from nya nya, shamey shame politics as usual. And we hope and pray we are better poets, though nobody could top Emily.

Seriously, the issue here is not anonymity. No, it is being able to speak out in the public media on a critical issue without losing personal credibility and income in a county where Texas-style Bidness calls the shots. That's why True decided to blog without revealing any of its individual contributors.

And at the end of the day, most people either do not want downtown residential or they don't give a shit. That's a documented fact by those so-called visionary planners who really wanted it to happen along with a 35 foot height limit that would have been manna from heaven for downtown bidness owners but NOBODY else liked.

So. It's the issues, stupid. Who cares who said it? The News Herald caved by apologizing. We all need to be able to speak out freely, both locally and globally.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You will then like my view of the matter. I believe we listen to the ideas one another express with less bias and respond with more honesty when anonymity is retained.