Saturday, January 12, 2008

We have met the poverty and it is us.

True here. There is such a disconnect between the privileged and the rest of us in Cook County. We are among the poorest people in Minnesota but we don't relate to that or even attempt to deal with it.
Ya, shure, we might drop off a few packages of mac and cheese at the grecery store, a real feel good.
Hello? Carbs are just empty calories, y'all.
True knows that a lot of people don't have water or heat or septic, True's self included for the record. Ya you betcha. We all know how to survive....
So. Nu. The Community Action Partnership looks at poverty from a local citizen action point of view. Try to get jobs, training, etc. in the community that has been decimated by the greedy rich developers and their ilk.
NOT my remedy of choice: The greedy rich have brought us to this desperate pass, with their ruthless multinational corporations and their unmitigated assault on democracy. Still, we can only act locally and hopefully some will move on the CAP initiative at the local level.
Above is a link to the web site; check it out.

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