Monday, September 18, 2006

Concerned citizens announce issues for EDA tomorrow

Dear friends,
This post just came in from the Concerned Citizens for Cook County. Yours, True

It is anticipated that the GSA's site selections will be announced tomorrow at the regular EDA meeting. Based on information collected thus far, the EDA is the only public office that admits to having any information on the proposed Homeland Security Building. The EDA also shares one city and county official, so the meeting tomorrow is the next opportunity for concerned citizens to be heard on this
issue. Because the EDA has allowed a minimal amount of time for comments and discussion, it was agreed that concerned citizens planning to speak at the meeting should focus on one of several important topics in relation to the Homeland Security proposal. The idea is to succinctly make our points and concerns known and cover as much ground as we can. Each person will be limited to 5 minutes, with a maximum of ten minutes spent on each subject. Some important topics identified by concerned citizens are:
-Open Meeting policy and possible violation/s of policy with regard to City, County and State officials as well as lack of public notice on the subject prior to EDA's regular meeting August 8th. Also in question is the use of a "continuation" over two days rather than terming the meeting the next day as a "special meeting" which would
have required public notice.
-To what extent was independent action taken by the EDA Director exclusive of the EDA Board, prior to announcement of the Homeland Security proposal during his Director's Report at the August 8th Regular EDA meeting? The August 8th meeting minutes reflect an urgency from the Director, who requested that his board react "immediately" to the proposal even though they had no prior discussion or background on the issue.
-Request that the board investigate a possible conflict of interest with regard to City Councilor Tim Kennedy's representation of one of the potential project developers.
-Discuss the need for open communication between residents and officials as the public learns more about the proposal.
-To what extent will the public have input on the specifications of the building, lighting, size and other aspects of the building if they choose the Business Park? How specifically will this change if the GSA chooses another location in the county?
-Will there be an economic impact statement about the project that includes both city and county scenarios as well as the possible impact to Gunflint Trail area and resorts?
-Will there be a new environmental impact study done specifically for a building and grounds of this this scale regardless of location?
-How comfortable are the EDA Board members with the scale of the project? Do they also support the building regardless of public opinion?
If you would like to speak about one of these topics tomorrow, or have another topic you would like to address, please email the moderator, who will confirm topics with speakers individually. And even if you choose not to speak, please come try to come if you can.
Wear your Rational Security shirts and hats! Meeting begins at 4pm at City Hall Chambers.

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