Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Naomi Wolf: The End of America May Happen

Here's a post that I wish all would read, and especially the "young patriots" Naomi Wolf is writing to in her latest book. She despairs that the young are not taught their history in civics classes.
In recent years there has been a synapse gap between the past and the present. The past I grew up honoring: the US Constitution, the rule of law, the checks and balances among the three branches of government, the presumption of innocence, habeas corpus, and even the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness have all been challenged or simply cut off by a renegade administration which considers itself above the law. But worse, this has happened without a peep from the People who cower at their own shadow in the wake of manufactured fears.
The neocons who want an aristocracy of the super-rich, not a democracy, and don't have any scruples about pursuing it joyously seized on 9/11 as a way to destroy our free society.
That would be bad enough, but add to it the engendered debt of trillions for oil-wars to future generations, the reckless damage to the environment by the war machine and corporate profiteers (think about leveling the beautiful Appalachian mountains to get more coal, the dirtiest energy source except spent uranium and that's another story).....
Anyway I don't really want to rant. I would just like for civics classes and plain folks to read and consider the premises in this article:

Naomi Wolf: The End of America May Happen

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