Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Violent Radicalization Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007

Notes from a nonviolent radical on the Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act

Dear readers,

True here. Guess I need to "out" as a radical in my comments on the Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act. Don't blame all of True; we are a collective like the musical group Anonymous Four. I've included the link to this story about the act passed by the House with virtually no opposition. The wusses don't dare to stand up and be counted. The presidential candidates as well as Speaker Pelosi were conveniently ABSENT.

The spin for this act is something nobody wants to sign on with: citizens who are radicals. I freely admit to being a radical, albeit nonviolent in the tradition of Gandhi. But in a government where the prez says we don't practice torture, when we DO practice torture, we need to ask who is using the violence here. The provisions of this act allow for "research" (read "spying") on anybody who dissents, ANYBODY. Less than one century ago, people were electrocuted and their careers destroyed by McCarthyism. Hearings on "anti-American" activities tarred all dissenters with the same brush. The shameful execution of the Rosenbergs, the black lists of many Hollywood writers and actors, the witch-like persecution of left wingers, probably provided the inspiration for the neocons who control the Bushco in creating this dastardly act.

My question is simple: With all of the existing "Patriot Act" mandates for spying, allowances for torture and "rendition" (meaning "disappearing into countries that torture"), dismantling of constitutional rights, etcetera etcetera etcetera, WHY do they NEED this act? And the only answer I can come up with is: they want to squelch ALL dissent and this act gives them the license.

Read the post:

The Violent Radicalization Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007


fastjerry said...

Sounds like just a new name for the House Committee on Unamerican Activities. The times are becoming frightening, the Bush legacy appears to be a continuum designed to stifle free thinking for another generation. This is truly the most dangerous period in the history of our young republic. The 60's were the counterpoint to the oppressiveness of the McCarthy era but the bush/cheney/et al. regime has reversed the progress we started to make back then. Will there be a new counterpoint with the coming generation or do we need to suffer through a full "Taliban" movement to wake us?

Anonymous said...

Fastjerry is so right that we are looking at the House Committee on Unamerican Activities all over again.
And in that day and age, many an idealist who believed in a society in which goods and services were shared more equally than under capitalism met with blacklisting, jail and even execution. This new bill is no different. "And other" threats besides "violent homegrown terrorism" are permitted to be part of this new witch hunt.
It terrifies me that the Dems have given their blessing to this travesty. If Canada will take me, I am out of here. I have a family that I can't afford to leave while I languish in solitary confinemtn with "harsh" interrogation in some unknow offshore prison.
As long as I draw breath, however, I will speak out against the ruthless, lawless, cruel and degrading tactics of the United States under neocon leadership and neoliberal silence.
Lezzie Latkes
Your homegrown radical