Monday, February 04, 2008

Go to your precinct caucus (if you can)!

Dear True,
Coming of age in the fabulously hopeful 1960's I learned that the precinct caucus in Minnesota is the true way to grassroots politics. It's a nice idea. And I urge anyone who can to go to the Super Tuesday caucuses here in Cook County tomorrow night. There won't be another opportunity to choose the presidential candidate for your party.
Being much older now, I don't have such good night vision to be driving around on icy roads and highways. Being a resident of Cook County now I have only one place to go for my precinct caucus, and if I go I probably won't be able to get back home given the weather predictions and my remote location.
So! Is it fair, is it right, to deny the many homebound citizens of our 60-mile long county the chance to choose the next presidential candidate? We don't have taxis. Our Arrowhead bus doesn't run at night. And those of us who are most marginal are the very ones who need to let the pols know who we want to have a chance to vote for.
Minnesota, you need to do better. In the early glory days of Bean Feeds and long speeches by HHH, when most of us could drive or take the bus, it seemed good. Now I would like to demand an absentee ballot for my presidential choice, who happens to be Barack Obama. I am not a Hillary basher and would love for a woman to be the next prez, but she is just way too far to the right for me. She gets megabucks from the megacorporations and she is fuzzy about Iraq where we are pouring trillions of treasury dollars down a sinkhole and by the way generating bitter hatred against us, when we could be investing in desperately needed infrastructure.

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