Monday, February 04, 2008

Oh, look out! Here come the PC police

Dear True,
Anonymous here again.
This time I am writing on behalf of all the expanding waistlines that used to be considered a normal part of aging. Now we are a great obesity hazard! We threaten the world more than AIDS or war or global warming. These decisions are made by the young and the frequently anorexic, the crazed gym members who pump iron but circle the parking lot to find a space so they won't have to walk.
Whatever data the PC Police are using, it does not include my grandparents who grew portly and stately figures in their old age.
It's just fat-bashing, another way to make us feel bad. Like so much reporting by the MSM, many facts are missing. Like the PC Police who refuse to allow anybody to smoke, even in the privacy of their homes, like the Temperance Ladies who got liquor banned and created the lovely speakeasies and the smugglers' heaven, there is just no tolerance for being normal, growing old, finding some anodyne in a little wine or whiskey, or enjoying a smoke now and then.
BOO to you, PC Police! You are the natural heirs of the spies who prey on our phone calls, emails, and posts such as this one. Why don't you take a peek at the mote in your own eye?

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