Sunday, January 14, 2007

West End dominates county tourism market

Last year, seven business owners in Cook County, on learning that the one-percent sales tax to benefit the hospital will “sunset” in November of this year, set about looking seriously at the economic climate in Cook County and what other permitted uses this tax might support if extended. Legislators Dill and Bakk told the group that it would be much easier to extend the tax and change the use than to rescind it and then try to get it back later. Dill and Bakk also recommended getting consensus among county stakeholders before bringing a proposal forward in March. The council has been attending town meetings and working with groups like the county’s Joint Powers Board and the Grand Marais Save the Pool committee to try to create a consensus plan both for a one-percent tax extension and also for new taxes on food/lodging and entertainment/recreation that will help to turn around and sustain the county’s tourism-based economy.
In coming weeks, True will be exploring this issue in depth. For now, see this News Herald link for how the council’s findings highlight the West End:

Cook County News-Herald - Grand Marais, Minnesota

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