Sunday, January 21, 2007

What were they thinking? or, With what were they thinking?

Dear True,

It is amazing when you read about the mess unfolding in the sweetheart deal that Sandbo and Spry did for the Gunflint Gals in giving them a free perpetual easement for city property, that one of the first actions of the old guard on the council was to vote them in on the important Public Utilities Commission (Spry) and on the Economic Development Agency (Sandbo). They failed as servants to the city in terms of protecting city property with clear displays of likely misfeasance, if not out right malfeasance, but even worse, they displayed an uncommon lack of common sense.

It will be surprising if they don't do the same degree of damage in their new positions as they did in their old. I always thought recycling was supposed to be a positive thing.

Pincushion Pal

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