Saturday, April 28, 2007

Spell It Out: "I-M-P-E-A-C-H!"

After house speaker Nancy Pelosi chased her cat "Impeachment" off the table last fall, that sneaky little sucker has jumped back on, in a big way.
Oh, heck, we all know the crimes of Bush and Cheney against the American people, the Iraqi people, international human rights, and too many others to name, are impeachable. Even though the MSM has refused to report most of the evidence, it is well documented and readily available via Google searches. Poor old Tricky Dick Nixon was a cupcake compared to these birds. He opened the door to diplomatic relations with China; he lowered the highway speed limit to save energy. By today's far-reich standards he was a visionary following in the moderate reign of Dwight Eisenhower. Oh, so, he was paranoid, ya you betcha and Vietnam was a major blunder inspired by his rigid anti-Communist agenda. Lots of folks signed on to the Cold War paranoia in those days, including the still-revered Henry Kissinger who guided several administrations into stupid errors. But Dick wasn't guilty of high crimes and treason against the Constitution and humanity.
Local governments are signing on to the Impeachment Bandwagon. Today, April 28th, the people with their bodies are spelling out "Impeach" all over the place.

Read on:

Spell It Out: "I-M-P-E-A-C-H!

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